Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I am dying...slowly.

I wish the pain I have now inside my heart can turn into a physical pain instead because by God I don't have the strength to fight it anymore.

It's like having a very blunt object thrusting my heart in an awfully slow pace of movement and at the same time got my heart...yes, the same heart crushed without mercy.

for the first time in my life I am not happy...

it sucks..it's awfully suck.


Faridatul Bariza Binti Md Nasir said...

Ala Azah..jgn la begitu..sedih jer bunyi..try think positive ya~ meh la dtg umah kami tgk sofeah ni..sure ko happy tgk gelagat die..hehe.. =) Smile Alwayz ya~..byk bersabar

wun said...

btw...tu farid and bukan aku...haha..