Thursday, July 03, 2008

Royal Malaysia Sarkas sudah kembali!!!

So here goes again. the great Malaysia Circus is Back!!!!

I try to stop myself from writing things on politics not because I'm ignorant nor because I don't give a crap about it. I refuse to write things on politics simply because I think there are hundreds of bloggers out there who are miles better than me in terms of writing or passing their judgement on politics. however, make no mistake about it because my perspective on it, is perhaps as critical as theirs and politics has always be the interest of my judgement. I just feel that now I don't have to blurt all things out yet for when I read other comments made by my fellow bloggers I feel that their judgement was as much as in the same brain hemisphere as I and thus make thing easier for me as to not weigh my own perspective. I guess no one wants to read the same thing twice aite??

therefore, when I started to write this, I realised that many people failed to see this whole incident the way I see it. though I am fully disagree with this latest disgrace act of allegation made to DSAI, I made a promise to myself that I will not be too emotional on this case and maybe, sometimes it makes no harm at all to pass a little judgment that not quite as 'sane' as other's. As a matter of fact, if only you see as I see, perhaps youl'll understand.

this whole sodomy what not incident has truly made Malaysia the biggest royal sarkas of all time. with DSAI, that 0.8 saifool guy, najib, pak lah and bla..bla..bla acting as the main royal clowns, it is hard for me not to view it as one great epic drama of all time (sequel to that 98 released). think about you know that all of us now are atleast witnessing the making of one great twitch of film reel that will soon be the greatest history of Malaysia??this whole thing is like the making of the movie JAWS by spielberg or Star Wars by Lucas. isn't it Romantic???

in 10 to at least 900 years time, there will be millions of version of today's episode and we as the sons and daughters of today will have the first hand privilage to tell the future generation that we were here when it started..

I love watching hollywood political-thriller-drama movies such as enemy of the states, negotiator etc...because the excitement of waiting the conspiracy what not to unfold itself or often through it's hero. Usually in those hollywood movies, reality is not much obliged but rather the element of romanticism was positively hailed. therefore we see the element of heroism or machoism and that inspires us or at least make us feel the glow of our heart in wanting to give a thumb's up to the hero. if the same element of romanticism put in today's mediocrity of this great sarkas, don't you think that what we felt when watching those hollywood movies can be felt now?? can't you see how romantic this whole incident is???

1 comment:

Mrs Wan Kasim Wan Kadir said...

hey you,
i lost my fon yesterday.
i didnt hv your no at the moment.
nant sms me at my no eh.