Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the thought of life..a small conversation

It was last week when emi, joe and I decided to go to Central market to buy our painting stuffs. we bumped into KAMI the Gig, listened to some of the bands and decided to eat at mamaks infront of the CM. during the eating session Ahmad Helmi asked me and joe a question...a nice one, indeed. he said, and I quote " kau rasa hidup kau complete tak?"

I answered "takkanlah. dah kahwin and bila dapat anak, baru lah complete".

he said " memanglah"

In my mind I couldn't help thinking that what I have now is comfortable. I like my life now and eventhough it is not complete I do think that it still looks pretty.

it just that I understand that I am now learning continously about life and perfect is not something I think I can earn just yet but maybe someday I'll get a grab of it and live my life with a smile. maybe:) but then again who says that life is perfect after all of those things?

my head was in confusion at that point. silent stood still in a couple of minutes.

we then turned our attention to joe. "kau joe?"

joe simpy replied " tak complete"


we all understood his words.


Dearests said...

Life is as perfect as you make it. Perfection boleh achieve. Depends on our definition. :D Semoga bahagia. Berusaha!

Faridatul Bariza Binti Md Nasir said...

yup..totally agree with life to the fullest..caiyok2~ to see life as complete or not is very subjective really..but in Islam a complete life is with a wife and children..insya'Allah in the future you will achieve this..doa byk2 ye..caiyok2~

ep said...

that's the thing la friends. I think it is all about feelings. u determined your own perfection be it with or without marriage. but what is the definition of perfection pun???