pertama-tama sekali aku secara terus terang mengaku aku bukan seorang Muslim yang baik. kalau nak cermin diri sendiri aku yakin aku patut dimasukkan ke dalam neraka sahaja tapi Subhanallah aku meminta dengan hina supaya jauhkan semua itu dari aku. Dengan nama Allah aku tak akan mampu walau sebijik zarahpun bertahan dalam neraka dan sebab itu jugaklah aku berdoa setiap pagi bila bangun tido dan sebelum tido aku dapat jadi seorang muslim yang lebih baik untuk Allah kutip jugak roh aku dan masukkan aku kedalam syurganya.
Aku tak sedih bila ada Muslim yang membantah fatwa tentang pengharaman yoga di kalangan umat Islam. aku jadi marah yang teramat sangat seperti marahnya aku pada Yahudi bila Israel laknat tu merampas tanah walau sekelumitpun warga Palestin. aku tak kisah kalau mereka yang membantah itu punya alasan atau counter argument yang kukuh tapi sepanjang aku membaca didalam akhbar, internet mahupun menonton berita di kotak televisyen, apa yang aku dapati cukup menjijikkan. dengan alasan cetek tahap manusia tak pernah membaca, mereka-mereka ini cuba membantah seperti konon-kononnya Ulama-Ulama pula yang cetek ilmunya?pelik dan bahalol.
contohnya,aku ada bace ulasan atau bantahan daripada Marina Mahathir yang bagi aku cukup cetek. bagi seorang wanita yang cukup berpendidikan, sepatutnya dia taklah sebodoh tu.bagi akulah. soalan dia ialah perlukah seorang muslim yang telah mempraktikan yoga bertahun-tahun perlu di masukkan ke pusat pemulihan akidah apabila fatwa ini dikeluarkan????
itu kan bodoh. tak perlulah semuatu kerana apa yang kau perlu buat hanyalah berhenti dari men'yoga'kan diri. itu kan senang. janganlah berdolak dalik. mase Nabi cakap arak tu haram berapa ramai plak pengikut awal nabi yang minum arak. ade nabi kate dieorg kene masuk pusat akhlak atau bertaubat segala taubat?cukup nabi cakap insaf dan jangan minum arak lagi.
ada juga yang marah kerana mengikut kata mereka Ulama perlu lihat pada isu-isu sosial yang lain dulu sebelum melihat pada itu berkenaan dengan akidah kau bukan tentang sosial.kau tanya orang yang terlibat dengan segala maksiat itu sekarang. adakah mereka tak tau itu berdosa atau mereka tahu tapi kerana terlalu seronok buat sahaja? kebanyakan yang terlibat dengan segala masalah sosial tahu dan cukup terang tentang dosa haram dan halal itu memang ada tetapi kerana nafsu ataupun bodoh, tetap lakukan sahaja.
oleh itu janganlah kau kata ulama perlu tumpukan pada masalah yang lain dulu baru masuk campuri urusan kau kerana kebanyakan isu lain itu telah secara terang2 kau pun tahu hukumnya jadi pandai2 kaulah nak kawal.takkan itu pon nak ulama yang tegur. mak bapak ko tak penah tegur ke?
ade gak kate yoga tu menenangkan dan tak salahpon kalo nak join gak.yeaaa aku faham. tapi ko tak rase ke bile ko mengadap tuhan, ko bole jadi tenang jugak? tak pernah try? bile ko berzikir ke bace qur'an dan faham isi die ko tak rase aman damai ke? try la dulu....tak salahpon. semayang lagi kejap dari ber'yoga'ing. ramai gak saintis cakap solat tu jugak satu rukun senaman yang sangat baik jadi kenape ko nak bayar beratus2 ringgit tiap bulan pada yoga instructor ko bilamana solat tu free?
aku pon educated gak cam ko ataupon urban macam ko gak tapi aku tau aku bodoh agama. tapi sebolehnye aku tak sombong bodoh dengan melawan dengan orang yang aku tau lagi berilmu dalam bidang die. contoh macam ko lah.kalo ko educated sangat dalam bidang ekonomi dan aku plak educated dalam bidang sastera, ko rase aku bodoh tak kalau aku kate 1+1 tu jawapan die William Shakespeare?
dalam bidang agama ni kalau ko rase ko bodo, lagi baik senyap dan follow. Nabi dah cakap lepas die takde kenela ikut cakap ulama.itu kan dah terang. korang yang melawan sangat nih terer sangat ke sampai nak lawan ape yang nabi pesan? ko rapat sangat ke dengan Allah lebih dari Nabi?
aku memang kasar la dalam menulis ni sb aku marah. aku bukan terer pon agama tapi aku paham konsep yang cube ulama tu terangkan dan aku bace jugak pasal yoga.jadi aku comparekan buruk baik die. aku jugak faham konsep demokrasi dan hak bersuara tapi bile ko mati nanti ko bole ke menjawab kat Allah yang ko ade hak bersuara jadi ko gunakan konsep tu untuk menentang pewaris nabi? nak kene sebat?
paling pelik kan aku orang2 yg membantah ni ade plak di kalangan mereka yang tak pon join yoga ni tapi nak gak membantah sebab nak tunjuk pandai.mungkinlah.ini tuduhan jek.mungkin jugak takde duit nak join yoga atau mungkin malas nak mampos.ini tuduhan gak. jadi... hak ape yang ko ade untuk ko pertahankan yoga?
aku salute kat blog tini sb stand up pasal isu ni. sila lah jenguk blog die kot tak silap aku. tulisan die lagi jelas dan lembut dari aku. bacelah. bagus tuh. kalo korg bersetuju ke tak korang komenlah.kite bole bincang macamana orang pandai bincang dan korang bersetuju aku harap korang luahkan jugak tanda sokongan. Agama kita ada satu.Tuhan kite ada satu jugak. tapi umat islam yang tak paham ade ramai so tanggungjawab kita gak nak tolong ulama tu terangkan pasal isu ni.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Memory revisited

from left to right; Ecam,me,miau,jijol,anonymous,man & another anonymous
zaman gila underground dolu2. ini gambar mase pg Rock the world concert mase nak tunggu Plague of happiness main.
My good buddies came all the way from Johor to see the gig and spent 2 nights in a cheap hotel somewhere in Bukit Bintang area. I, of course was still a student of IIUM back then didn't have much trouble stepping my foot there and we met somewhere outside Stadium Merdeka before blasting our heads off with all the craziness that the gig offered.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
had a good time participating in my first IIC convo today. it was kindda fun for a first timer like me though it was also a very tiring and long event, so to say. there were a couple of glitch here and there but I think IIC did a fair and good job overall. i was quite frustrating because they didn't pay me a cent for my service but I guess the all long lame usable that is 'for the sake of fisabilillah' reason is playing like a Sinatra's for the company nowadays and me being me have to endure all that craps. lucky for them I have this motto "eat the experience and make your life a better deal" so layan kan jeklah.
It is amazing to think how I only participated in my own convocation 4 months ago after 5 years of studies and today I had to attend my OWN student's convocation and see them smile,cry and laugh during the whole much awaited event of their's. I couldn't help thinking how my life flow so very fast and how I find it very enjoyable most of the time.
I pray that all those who received their diplomas and certificates today will have a greater future than what i have now and I wish them all good luck in chasing their dreams and goals.
It is amazing to think how I only participated in my own convocation 4 months ago after 5 years of studies and today I had to attend my OWN student's convocation and see them smile,cry and laugh during the whole much awaited event of their's. I couldn't help thinking how my life flow so very fast and how I find it very enjoyable most of the time.
I pray that all those who received their diplomas and certificates today will have a greater future than what i have now and I wish them all good luck in chasing their dreams and goals.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
feel you
Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits (recently covered by the Killers)
Go listen to this song if you never listen to it before. Most probably the best ever love song ever written in the history of mankind.
A quick recap on the life and death of AzhariSirat.
Today is the day I finished my first semester as a lecturer after having to spend almost 20 years as a student. My first impression on this whole new experience and career of mine is simply.....magnificent!
never thought I could enjoy this so much and can't wait to start my new semester next month.
one small giant leap towards my future life and I thank God for leading me to this path. Subhanallah.
Go listen to this song if you never listen to it before. Most probably the best ever love song ever written in the history of mankind.
A quick recap on the life and death of AzhariSirat.
Today is the day I finished my first semester as a lecturer after having to spend almost 20 years as a student. My first impression on this whole new experience and career of mine is simply.....magnificent!
never thought I could enjoy this so much and can't wait to start my new semester next month.
one small giant leap towards my future life and I thank God for leading me to this path. Subhanallah.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
life. just another fact
sekarang bulan November 2008. aku tak tau berapa ramai yang perasan tapi bulan ni genap setahun zaman UIA tamat. so sape2 yang grad bulan November tahun lepas same ngan aku, I wish you all happy convocation anniversary yang pertama. I wish you all the best.
dalam setahun ni macam2 dah jadi. we see people who used to be closed to us kawin, nak kawin, dapat anak, tukar cewek,tukar keje,dapat keje,berjaya,tungganglanggang and etc. in a year jek, sedar tak sedar kite saksikan banyak sangat perubahan. here, I always like to point out the greatness yang my people around me and myself achieved dalam mase setahun ni daripada mende yang tak best because I dont believe in giving up or regrets. dari dulu lagi aku cakap sume yang jadi kat keliling kite tu sumenye pengajaran untuk kite berjaye. ader kawan yang dah berjaye ader yang still looking. tu sume masing2 punye citela kan.aku percaye dalam 10 tahun kite sumer akan berjaya gak regardless cepat or lambat kejayaan tu datang.
for me personally eventho it is a bonus kalo dapat cepat I always cherished the journey i take tak kirela best ke tak. sebab bile lambat we will have the tendency to appreciate our live more than we usually do. kite blaja secare kasar about life and thus making us more aware of our surroundings. I remember when I was first come to UIA, eventho amek english literature, atas sebab kesihatan aku kene start english from first level. well, im not saying my english is top of the world tapi at that time I thought I deserve better la for an english major. malu sangat awal2 tu but then I realised that everything is about learning and btol gak english aku suck. so instead of malu aku slowly panjat tangge belajar tu and learn english from basic again. it turns out mmg hebatla the experience cuz learning english kat higher level tak same ngan learning english kat sekolah. now lepas more than 5 years since that day aku pon dah jadi english lecturer ajar grammar kat bebudak. sape sangke kan? and now not only can i teach english to my students, i can also tell them my experience if they ever feel like giving up. so now aku ngan bangganya masuk kelas knowing my teaching is special and a little bit unconventional because my teaching has somewhat a soul in it and everytime i looked at those eager and hungry eyes of the new generation nak master english aku ucap syukur sangat kat Allah sebab hantar aku kat level one dulu.
the same goes with money or harte2 ni. i realised that in this world ade 2 jenis orang when it comes to money and life. ader orang yang cakap money cant buy happiness or anything and lagi satu cakap money is everything. i realised org yang pilih money can buy everything akan justify kan sumenyer ngan cakap yes, money may not buy everything, but with money we surely can buy almost everything and everything needs money now kan. aku tak cakap sume tu salah.i understand that some people are just like that, hence it is their prerogative to say such so. for me, i like the group yang fikir money cant buy anything. aku joint group tu lar. I dunno why but I think eventho money is heck important, I still think experience is priceless no matter what. all in all, i think we are what we are kan. tak kirela mane satu pon. janji kite kene embrace our life willingly and try not to be the person we are not.
dalam setahun ni jugak aku dapat rase banyak sangat perubahan kat aku. dun get me wrongla. i still the same person like dolu2. if you think i am a bad person, i still am a bad person. if you think i was a miserable friend, i still am now. everything is up for you to judge. if you persist to look down on me what can I do kan?hehehe.but for those who think I was and still a good friend, I thank you for your kindness. care kite mungkin lebih serasi so time kasih...perubahan yang aku cakap is in terms ape yang aku rasela. for example aku rase aku makin matang. kesabaran pun makin baik and the way i look at the world is much better la and fair. aku sangat berpuas hati dengan jenis manusia yang aku evolved sekarang ni.
so its funny kan a year after we graduated, we can still read our friend's blog and kadang2 lepak minum same2,ketawa and berkongsi masalah pasal life or kerje. dalam setahun ni jugak macam2 yang jadik kat kite. aku tak tau korang happy or not dalam setahun ni tapi untuk aku, suffice to say yang segale yagn jadi dalam setahun ni is exactly ape yang aku nak. eventho ade some setbacks tapi biaselakan. untuk saper2 yang tak happy, I think you shoudnt be worry much cuz the new dawn is approaching and maybe setahun akan datang life will finally be a friend to you.
untuk ahmad helmi...kudos to you sebab berjaya kerje selama 3 bulan bagi setiap pekerjaan. you go bro!
dalam setahun ni macam2 dah jadi. we see people who used to be closed to us kawin, nak kawin, dapat anak, tukar cewek,tukar keje,dapat keje,berjaya,tungganglanggang and etc. in a year jek, sedar tak sedar kite saksikan banyak sangat perubahan. here, I always like to point out the greatness yang my people around me and myself achieved dalam mase setahun ni daripada mende yang tak best because I dont believe in giving up or regrets. dari dulu lagi aku cakap sume yang jadi kat keliling kite tu sumenye pengajaran untuk kite berjaye. ader kawan yang dah berjaye ader yang still looking. tu sume masing2 punye citela kan.aku percaye dalam 10 tahun kite sumer akan berjaya gak regardless cepat or lambat kejayaan tu datang.
for me personally eventho it is a bonus kalo dapat cepat I always cherished the journey i take tak kirela best ke tak. sebab bile lambat we will have the tendency to appreciate our live more than we usually do. kite blaja secare kasar about life and thus making us more aware of our surroundings. I remember when I was first come to UIA, eventho amek english literature, atas sebab kesihatan aku kene start english from first level. well, im not saying my english is top of the world tapi at that time I thought I deserve better la for an english major. malu sangat awal2 tu but then I realised that everything is about learning and btol gak english aku suck. so instead of malu aku slowly panjat tangge belajar tu and learn english from basic again. it turns out mmg hebatla the experience cuz learning english kat higher level tak same ngan learning english kat sekolah. now lepas more than 5 years since that day aku pon dah jadi english lecturer ajar grammar kat bebudak. sape sangke kan? and now not only can i teach english to my students, i can also tell them my experience if they ever feel like giving up. so now aku ngan bangganya masuk kelas knowing my teaching is special and a little bit unconventional because my teaching has somewhat a soul in it and everytime i looked at those eager and hungry eyes of the new generation nak master english aku ucap syukur sangat kat Allah sebab hantar aku kat level one dulu.
the same goes with money or harte2 ni. i realised that in this world ade 2 jenis orang when it comes to money and life. ader orang yang cakap money cant buy happiness or anything and lagi satu cakap money is everything. i realised org yang pilih money can buy everything akan justify kan sumenyer ngan cakap yes, money may not buy everything, but with money we surely can buy almost everything and everything needs money now kan. aku tak cakap sume tu salah.i understand that some people are just like that, hence it is their prerogative to say such so. for me, i like the group yang fikir money cant buy anything. aku joint group tu lar. I dunno why but I think eventho money is heck important, I still think experience is priceless no matter what. all in all, i think we are what we are kan. tak kirela mane satu pon. janji kite kene embrace our life willingly and try not to be the person we are not.
dalam setahun ni jugak aku dapat rase banyak sangat perubahan kat aku. dun get me wrongla. i still the same person like dolu2. if you think i am a bad person, i still am a bad person. if you think i was a miserable friend, i still am now. everything is up for you to judge. if you persist to look down on me what can I do kan?hehehe.but for those who think I was and still a good friend, I thank you for your kindness. care kite mungkin lebih serasi so time kasih...perubahan yang aku cakap is in terms ape yang aku rasela. for example aku rase aku makin matang. kesabaran pun makin baik and the way i look at the world is much better la and fair. aku sangat berpuas hati dengan jenis manusia yang aku evolved sekarang ni.
so its funny kan a year after we graduated, we can still read our friend's blog and kadang2 lepak minum same2,ketawa and berkongsi masalah pasal life or kerje. dalam setahun ni jugak macam2 yang jadik kat kite. aku tak tau korang happy or not dalam setahun ni tapi untuk aku, suffice to say yang segale yagn jadi dalam setahun ni is exactly ape yang aku nak. eventho ade some setbacks tapi biaselakan. untuk saper2 yang tak happy, I think you shoudnt be worry much cuz the new dawn is approaching and maybe setahun akan datang life will finally be a friend to you.
untuk ahmad helmi...kudos to you sebab berjaya kerje selama 3 bulan bagi setiap pekerjaan. you go bro!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Kenaboi, The the National Geographic photojournalist.
hehehehe...minggu lepas (weekend) aku pergi Negeri Sembilan ikut Ayap cover satu program called Kenaboi River Challenge 08. mula-mula ingat saje la nak ikut sebab tak jadik nak balik Johor. ingatkan bergembira sesaje tahap pergi event and then balik.sekali kene masuk hutan, redah hutan ngan 4x4 drive la plak. seronok giler. the best thing is I had the chance to again play with SLR camera and learn directly with a professional yang bernama Abg Ghani. hehehe I must tell you arr I, now know how to handle SLR camera woooo. and because aku pegang camera and konon2 jadi macam photojournalist like Ayap dan masuk plak hutan ngan 4 wheel drive, aku secara automatiknye terasa macam photojournalist for National Geographic. dahla pakai topi Jason Mraz.hohohoho.macam remaje plak tapi lagi hebatla. so dapat la jumpa orag-orang asli and amek gambo bagai and plus masuk dalam sungai mase shoot gambo orang main kayak sambil layan arus hebat.huhohohoo..teruja btol. walaupun penat nak mapuh sebab tak cukup tido and terase macam orang kene pukol tak abis2 mase naik ranjer, tapi i must say sume tu worth it la.once in a lifetime punye experience.
And then paling best is lepas balik sementara nak tunggu the next programme hari ahad aku ngan ayap bersetuju pergi Jelebu melawat Sarip!!!mula-mula jumpa die kat simpang pertang minum2 tepi jalan sambil makan goreng pisang dan air tebu then bile dah lame kami gerak terus pergi Pasoh bebeh! itu kali ke 2 pergi rumah sarip tapi for ayap first time. aku sampai rumah die tak banyak cakap terus tido.hohohoho..then maghrib bangun terus lepak ngan sarip sambil makan mee goreng sedap and durian sedap gak.aku siap bungkus tuh durian. bergembira btol walaopun kejap jek jumpa. kiteorang tido Seremban umah kawn ayap sebab nak tengok bola.
2 hari msauk hutan and amek gambar mmg seronok sangat. yeala membesar kat bandar tapi adore the life of kampung mmgla susah sket. so bile dapat peluang memang sangat was one of the greatest experience for me. teringat zaman2 Libur masuk hutan and all.
aku try post gambar2 nanti.huhuhuhu yeayyy!!!!!
And then paling best is lepas balik sementara nak tunggu the next programme hari ahad aku ngan ayap bersetuju pergi Jelebu melawat Sarip!!!mula-mula jumpa die kat simpang pertang minum2 tepi jalan sambil makan goreng pisang dan air tebu then bile dah lame kami gerak terus pergi Pasoh bebeh! itu kali ke 2 pergi rumah sarip tapi for ayap first time. aku sampai rumah die tak banyak cakap terus tido.hohohoho..then maghrib bangun terus lepak ngan sarip sambil makan mee goreng sedap and durian sedap gak.aku siap bungkus tuh durian. bergembira btol walaopun kejap jek jumpa. kiteorang tido Seremban umah kawn ayap sebab nak tengok bola.
2 hari msauk hutan and amek gambar mmg seronok sangat. yeala membesar kat bandar tapi adore the life of kampung mmgla susah sket. so bile dapat peluang memang sangat was one of the greatest experience for me. teringat zaman2 Libur masuk hutan and all.
aku try post gambar2 nanti.huhuhuhu yeayyy!!!!!
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