Saturday, April 11, 2009


I wanna write something beautiful if ever one of my traits is writing flawlessly but I can't, so I inspire -anonymous-

I am a very optimistic prick. I view the world as a playground filled with children and dinosaurs. I believe in friendship and love and the world is as interesting as a carnival that we human attended when we first stepped our shoes in it.

Oh yes I acknowledge all the hardships and all the pain I encountered throughout my life. I cried for it and I had my share of darkness and many times i felt like giving up. I whined and I cracked under pressure too.

I acted pretty much similar like a jerk if not a bastard. I made people cry and many times I let people around me down. I refuse to grow up and judge people at my own accord.

I try countless time to be a gent. even to the point of being a hypocrite. and successfully turned myself into one. I respect women and their mothers and fathers. I loved and love to its fullest.

I refuse to regret the things I've done but one.

ONE regret. my beautiful wonderful life that I have all the years and one painful regret that I'm willing to carry for the rest of my life or at least till the day i welcome a new regret in my life (which I hope none will come)

yepp...that sounds pretty much like me...or is it you?or maybe us?

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