Tuesday, April 01, 2008

English...it really is not that hard

today is quite fun. this morning I had the privilege to accompany a group of 'sedara baru' from Cambodia, Philipines, Japan and Vietnam to our very own Gallery Al-Qur'an Mushaf Malaysia and to the conceptual and designing department. I had the opportunity to brief them about the things that we do here and most of them were so friendly...and pretty too.hehehehe..

it was the first time I had to assist a group of foreigners here and God knows how scared i was back then. I didnt know what to say and somehow i felt like I have never learn English before. I started pretty good actually but after a while it became kelam kabut sket. cakap tak tentu arah but thank God I managed to regain my self balance and got comfortable with it again. I even managed to tell them a story behind the history of Mushaf Aceh and Tsunami, which I really love to talk about.

my translation work is getting heavier each day and apart from 'pening-pening lalat' I really enjoyed my work here. Alhamdulillah, our website that involved so many nightmares, bloodshed and working hours finally come to its end. we got to see the sneak preview ourselves and see the outcome of it and because i am directly involved in the making of the website, I feel so damn proud of it. hehehe silela lawat blog kami and see my writing in it!!! www.restu-art.com

reading blogs is the new craze of mine. i've been reading various of blogs lately and even managed to find my most favorite blog which is Kata tak nak.blogspot.com.

i am becoming concern with the level of my english. sometimes, I really think that I really need to improve it to the next level. certain times, I found it difficult to write or to find the better words or phrases for my writing. on the other hand, I'm starting to get better with my German language learning process...Ya Allah, tingkatlah penguasaan aku kat dalam dua2 bahasa ni.

Putri Adania...hehehehe. will talk about her next time...and Miza as well.

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