Saturday, September 06, 2008

24 years of awesomeness

welcome back September 6th!!!Yeaaaayyyyy.........haiiiihhhh.

I'm officially 24 as per today and though I still feel the same like yesterday(awesome) I do feel the urge of wanting to celebrate it to the maximum.

hehehe...craps! sepanjang 24 tahun aku idup kat dunia ni mane pernahnye aku celebrate hari jadi.

I think it all comes back to the fact of my life..hmmm i think fact number 204 kot which is I don't celebrate birthdays. aku datang dari keluarga yang rapat tapi tak berapa biase celebrate birthday. kiteorang tak ingat birthday masing2 and tak wish birthday masing2..macho sangat kot???tapi kiteorg still rapatla. I guess we like to do stuffs yang tak perlu set kan each year kot because occasionally we love to buat makan besar satu family so rasenyer tu lagi best.

well, I thank god because I got to be at the place I wanted to be which is my home(pasir Gudang) on the eve of my birthday with my family. and then because He gave me 24 years of wonderfulness fo me to appreciate and live it to the fullest and for giving me all the wonderful people(friends,family etc) yang aku kenal dari mula2 aku kenal manusia sampai sekarang.and of course for giving me the brain and the heart I cherished most....and paling penting for giving me the light of Islam mase aku lahir dulu. I guess that was the most cherishing birhtday present I could ask for from Him.

I say a gazillion thanks to all yang wish me a very good birthday wish and truly I love you lots. pemenang utk tahun ni is Lizzie for being the first caller..congrats!!!!

my wish for this year is to work hard for my future, to quit smoking, to be a good son and most important wish for this year is to pray more and to be a good slave to HIM. AMin.

1 comment:

ainfazrin said...

happy belated bday dearest adik.

may blessings and happiness be the colours of your life ahead. :)